Length (in Feet)

The Ultimate Sailboat Galley!

The Galley Guys gave me a daunting one-day assignment while at the 2008 Annapolis Boat Show: determine which sailboat, currently available in Canada, had the best and possibly the ultimate galley. Have you ever attended the Annapolis Boat Show? Seen an aerial shot of it? Daunting! Amazing! Thankfully, limiting the assignment to boats available in Canada made the job a tiny bit easier. So what are the key considerations when determining who has the ultimate galley? I opted for the basics. I considered what kind of storage was for dry goods, cutlery, serving wear, glasses and so on.

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Une offre que vous ne pouvez pas refuser !*

Cheerful and very enthusiastic were the first two things that struck me as I entered the Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal booth last January at the Toronto International Boat Show. “Come to Montréal”, they said. “See what we have done to our harbour. Get immersed in the port’s new life and sense the energy that is everywhere around the Old Port.” In true Galley Guy style, we couldn’t say no, especially knowing that Montréal is one the most sought-out cuisine centers in the world, with over 5,000 restaurants representing cuisine from over 80 different nationalities – a Galley Guy must-go destination.

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Comfort Food for Cruising

The Galley Guys have been living high on the hog lately with last issue’s memorable Bouride à la Provençal and the mouth-watering curried shrimp in the June issue and just recently, we met with Ann Vanderhoof, the author of The Spice Necklace, to sample her island fare for the November Waypoint issue of Canadian Yachting. Her recipes made us want to book our trips right now! But the Galley Guys – Greg Nicoll, Andy Adams and John Armstrong – are “guys” after all. Guys love gourmet food. Guys love great wines and guys get hungry. Really hungry.

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The Galley Guys Ask: Why Is Your Favorite Recipe Your Favorite Recipe?

The conversation started while we were reminiscing with John Armstrong, the newest member of the Canadian Yachting crew. "I have a shrimp curry recipe that I absolutely love," John told us, “and it's something that I like to make when we have friends onboard the boat." We couldn't help ourselves for asking John where his affection for curry come from? We learned that John spent many years as a pilot with Air Canada and it turns out that at one point in his career, he had a particularly unusual assignment.

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The Galley Guys Meet the Spice Lady

They say: what you dare to dream, dare to do. Judging from the fact that almost every month, we get a letter from a Canadian Yachting reader who is about to chuck it all in and sail off into the tropical sunset, it is clear that we have lots of daring readers! Quit your job, sell your house, kiss family and friends goodbye and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime. We suggest you give yourself a bit of time to plan and adjust though. It’s quite a jump from Bay Street to Montego Bay. Why not start by warming up to the tropics with some amazing island food and a good book?

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Galley Guy Competes

In the 75th Anniversary Mount Gay Round Barbados Race But Local Cuisine Makes Everyone a Winner! Tell me what self-respecting Galley Guy could possibly (while on the beautiful island of Barbados) turn down an opportunity to tour the famous Mount Gay Rum Distillery? For sure, not this Galley Guy! Sadly, the other Galley Guys, Andy Adams and John Armstrong who both lean a bit in the direction of diesel instead of wind power, and whose sailing skills are less than race-ready anyway, did not get the call.

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