
Update for Canadians contemplating chartering in Greece

Poseidon Charters

Oct 22, 2020

Europe’s largest and most beautiful charter destination, Greece, has fared well throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The infections rates in March were low at only 2500 cases and grew to just 4900 in July with few deaths. Considering the high infection rates in neighboring Italy, France and Spain, the Greeks were thanking their diet of feta cheese and olive oil for the relatively low rates!

Tourism was unaffected in the 4,500 islands throughout the summer, with the exception of US travellers who are still not allowed to enter the European Union. Sailors from within Europe and other countries including Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand arrived in smaller numbers, which meant there was a 2020 charter season, albeit reduced, for yacht operators in Greece. 

Poseidon ChartersPre-Covid, tourism had been increasing year upon year in Greece with help from subsidized EEC business loans. An estimated 300 new boats entered the Greek charter market for 2020.

Poseidon Charters is open

Poseidon Charters, a Canadian company based in Ottawa, has operated its unique Greek Island sailing tour by the cabin and flotilla for more than 25 years.

Currently (October 2020) Air Canada continues to fly to Greece but with reduced flights. Most all Poseidon Charters yachts, cabin charters and flotillas were rescheduled to 2021 and thankfully clients were happy to be offered a 12 month buffer. Currently no quarantine required for Canadians visiting Greece except as stipulated on the Greek Government website:

Poseidon ChartersAll visitors from air, land or sea, will be subject to random tests upon arrival. Upon being tested, travelers move to their final destination. In the event of a positive result, they will be contacted and placed on 14-day quarantine, with expenses covered by the Greek state.

Currently, upon return Canadians must quarantine at home in Canada.

We will see what next year brings but the Greeks are ready to welcome Canadian sailors once again. Opa!!

– Capt. Steven Parry | Charter Director 

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