Moorings BVI recovering

Apr 26, 2018
The British Virgins took a huge hit last fall from Irma. Boats were stranded on the shore by the dozens and roofs blown off with abandon. Charter fleets were hurt along with all the other boats.
The boat fleet is getting immediate attention. Repair initiatives keep boatyards like Nanny Cay busy nonstop. At charter fleet The Moorings, which lost 2/3 of its fleet, boats have been rushed in from the Mediterranean and techs from OEMs are supplementing locals scrambling to repair broken boats and docks. BVI is Moorings’ largest operation and one of the biggest charter bases in the world. It’s all hands on deck to get things to normal for next fall, according to Greg George, GM. The other charter fleets are also working full tilt and assembling fleets to accommodate bookings.
While the damage from Irma remains and its force will be remembered for years, BVI is committed to returning to its status as a prime boating destination. If you’re planning a winter power or sail charter, you should be good to go!