Ying and Yang
May 23, 2024
Safe Boating Week runs from May 18-24. It’s incredibly disheartening, then, that the biggest boat crash with three fatalities and five other injuries happened on the first weekend of that period.
Rather than recount the horror of that crash – police have not yet finished their investigation – let’s talk about safe boating. There’s a whole summer ahead of us and a lot of boating on the menu. What causes boating mishaps and what does it take to stay safe?
Clearly the responsibility lies with the people operating the boats. Yes, there are police patrols and yes there are operators tests and so on. Everyone knows that or should. But individuals, who might behave on the highways, suddenly act as if the wide open waterways are a license to be free and (sadly) lawless. The crowded traffic arteries are left behind when you get on board. But it doesn’t mean you leave your brain behind, too.
On an entirely more upbeat note, the first ever Sail GP event in Canada comes to Halifax June 1. SailGP is already a huge international series and, while it’s big hill to climb, this could be Canada’s entry’s time to shine on home waters. There’s also news that the Canadian Olympic sailors bound for Paris have been named. Sailing has been art of the Olympics for 124 years and over that time Canada has done pretty well for a frosty nation. We have some very exciting competitors in both these arenas who hopefully will provide some excellent flag-waving opportunities.
John Morris, Online Editor