The New CPS-ECP Membership Card
Nov 9, 2023
At the National Annual General Meeting, CPS-ECP introduced the new Digital Membership Card coming the middle of November 2023. This will allow the member the flexibility to carry their CPS-ECP Membership card in a digital format on their electronic device, or in a printed version. This will also allow the member to easily forward a digital copy to a benefits supplier to validate their current membership.
All members, both Regular and Life members, will receive a new current digital card each year automatically when they renew their membership. The new digital membership card will now have greater value, because it will carry the member’s current membership expiry date. This will replace the plastic card with no expiry date. The plastic card allowed any person to claim CPS-ECP membership benefits without maintaining a current CPS-ECP membership. Those members with no internet access will be able to receive a printed version. Scroll through this PowerPoint presentation to follow the history of the CPS-ECP membership card.
Bob Parke AP
Deputy Chair National Membership Committee
CPS-ECPDigital Membership CardsEN&FR – V2-Onboard.pptx by CPS-ECP