Events: Honey Harbour Pink Dinghy Poker Run

PDPR Announcer

The 2023 Pink Dinghy Poker Run will be held on July 8, 2023 and will be based out of the new port facility in Honey Harbour, adjacent to the Delawana Inn. Boaters and cottagers board their dinghies (jet boats, small tenders or PWCs work well too) for an afternoon trip around the Honey Harbour area of Georgian Bay…

June 21, 2023

The 2023 Pink Dinghy Poker Run will be held on July 8, 2023 and will be based out of the new port facility in Honey Harbour, adjacent to the Delawana Inn. Boaters and cottagers board their dinghies (jet boats, small tenders or PWCs work well too) for an afternoon trip around the Honey Harbour area of Georgian Bay – gathering cards from five different stops. Prizes are awarded for the top poker hands and a few fun surprises.

Registration opens at 10am, prizes for decorations and costumes will be announced at 11am with the mass start shortly thereafter. Participants will have to return to the port by 2pm to open their hands. We will have a charity barbecue, the Bounce/Pure Country tailgate team will be on hand, and our team will award prizes at 3pm.

Poker Run on ShoreWe have secured card stops and are currently busy organizing prizing.

Registration is now open. In 2019 registration was capped at 100, this year we have increased the number to 150. The cost is $40 in advance – $50 on the day of the event providing we have not sold out.

Our website is up and running – and we have a Facebook page for social media posts at


Poker RunCarey Moran and Corrie Wimmer are a couple of Georgian Bay boaters who – along with the help of their husbands (Chris and Chris) and a couple of fun loving friends – decided to hold a poker run FUNdraiser to help support breast cancer patients – and The Pink Dinghy Poker Run was born. The first Pink Dinghy Poker Run was held at Wana Keta on Beausoleil Island in July 2016.



 Pink Dinghy Poker Run










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