Boat Filming Locations Needed
May 9, 2022
We need your help to assist us in obtaining stock video footage and photos this summer. Valentin Bacalu, our Audio Video Specialist, is willing to come to your dock, marina or yacht club to gather much needed content.
Here is the type of content/equipment we need to capture to complete some of our course promotion projects:
Boating 1: Families or individuals on pleasure crafts on/by the water wearing vests. Any footage at a cottage by the water or boating.
Boating 2: People navigating, footage of anchors or anchoring procedures, footage of lines or knots, footage of towing a boat or boat trailering and launches.(Especially powerboat footage)
Boating 3: Plotting or labelling on charts, footage of operating a sailboat, footage of electrical hazards. Any footage of canals/lock navigations, currents.
Boating 4: Bad weather, medical emergencies or medical training, any sort of footage of fire on a boat or training on putting it out or onboard emergencies.
Boating 5: Training/operation of electronic navigation devices such as GPS, Chart Plotters, Radars, SONARS, autopilots etc.
Boating 6/7: Offshore navigation using non electronic tools (navigation by chart/plotters, sights on the sun and tools to do so when land is not in sight). Footage of celestial navigation techniques or navigation at night, footage of stars.
Sailing: Sailboats that are meant for extended navigation, footage of preparations, provisions, checking equipment.
Maritime Radio Course: Footage of radio operating techniques, procedures and equipment for the ROCM course.
If you’re in the GTA or Ottawa area please contact Valentin if you’re willing to share your time and have your boat featured. Send an email to Valentin Bacalu at