What Plan? Your Plan…..Strategic Priority #3 – Volunteers
Jan 24, 2019
The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan lists five key Priorities and Volunteers are one of the five. There are 3 Goals outlined in this section of the Plan and much work has been accomplished on Goal #1. However, progress has been slow on the overall Priority, as the remaining Goals have not been assigned. Briefly, some of the accomplishments to date are:
..Creation of a Volunteer Committee, focused on developing or encouraging development of different operating models, so that volunteer capacity can be created.
• Education satellite Squadron guidelines have been developed.
• Squadrons and Districts in Quebec have been working together to explore alternatives.
Squadrons & Districts interested in these models are encouraged to contact the Volunteer Committee for information. Additionally, Squadrons or Districts trying different ideas are also encouraged to share their experiences with the Volunteer Committee so others can benefit from their learnings.
..Through the work of the Volunteer Committee and others, some progress on identifying leadership gaps has occurred. However, a more structured approach to identifying gaps and developing succession plans is needed.
..As CPS-ECP cannot focus solely on structural changes to thrive, the Goal of “enhancing the volunteer experience” needs to be assigned, which requires recruitment of volunteers to work on the Goal.
• If you’re interested in developing better ways to recruit, orient, train, develop, recognize or reward fellow volunteers and communicating these “best practices” to attract and retain volunteers, the National Executive Officer would love to hear from you!
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, please contact the Planning Committee.