Innovation: What’s New and What’s Old

By Greg Nicoll
It’s great when you come up with a new product that could make a genuine difference in the marine market… but it is equally vital that the innovator is able to share the innovation with the widest audience possible. One of the best ways to get the news of your Innovation out is by entering the annual DAME Competition – Design Award METS.
The world’s number one international design competition for new marine equipment and accessories held at METS, the Marine Equipment and Trade Show that runs annually in Amsterdam, has enormous industry prestige and a worldwide commercial impact. To win a DAME award is the ultimate accolade for companies and innovators, and all the nominees for the award are seen as trendsetters for the next generation of product development.
The Galley Guys travelled to METS 2014 in Amsterdam to see exhibition hall after exhibition hall, full of boat stuff; anchors, ropes, electronics and fittings, and of special interest to the aficionados of the “floating kitchen” was the 2014 DAME Award winner in the category of Boat Interior Equipment Furnishings Materials and Electrical Fittings Used in Cabins. The winner was the SiLKEN*2 induction Cooktop from Kenyon International. Although this cooktop is not quite ready for mass distribution, we believe it will mark a real advancement in preparing food below deck. The future of cooking is near at hand as this once futuristic method of cooking requires no combustible fuel and is compliant to ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council) guidelines that states, pots and pans should not slip or fall off stove tops when a boat lists up to 30 degrees. METS is really the place where the marine industry comes to meet and see all the latest boating innovations; unfortunately this event is only available to the marine trade and marine media.
Boat builders from around the world were lining up to get more information and to place orders for the SiLKEN *2 stove tops, that are scheduled for distribution in spring 2015. If you are working with your builder on the boat of your dreams, or are contemplating a retro-fit of your floating palace, have a look at the benefits of this new innovation in cooking. As we mentioned, there is no combustible fuel in the galley and a stove that cooks by temperature and not guess work. It is also easy to clean up and has “user” friendly controls. If a Galley Guy can work an iPhone then you too can master the touch control system that allows precision settings from 1-16 and temperature that ranges from 150F to 450F. The silicone mats can be easily removed and washed in the sink or dishwasher. Hmmm a dishwasher on a boat…nice boat!!
To this Galley Guy, there are two things that make this a great choice. First is the new lower total power consumption rating for the SiLKEN*2, at a manageable 20 amps at 120V. Then it is a safer platform; no flame or hot spots on the cooktop that can be a hazard in a rolling sea.
On the flight back from Holland, we were discussing that with an induction stove top, it would be easy to whip up gourmet meals for our friends. It takes us back to the days of pumping and priming alcohol stoves and reminds us of how far we have come.
The conversation then turned to a challenge offered to the Galley Guys last summer on a cruise in Nova Scotia. What would the Galley Guys do if they only had a knife and a match?
To set the record straight we were in Back Bay, a beautiful spot in a protective anchorage in Mahone Bay and we were not on a survival mission. Galley Guys don’t do survival.
The East Coast is always a great destination for lovers of seafood and it was this love of seafood set the stage for the challenge. To start the mission, these fresh water sailors had to figure out the local tide charts and when the lowest tide came, we went to the recently submerged beach and made a fire pit out the rocks scattered along the beach and then we waited for the next low tide. Off to the woods we went and our trusty knife and came out with several long stripped willow spears.
Unlike Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway, we did not dive into the ocean, spear at the ready looking for exotic species of aquatic life. Instead, our good friend and honorary Galley Guy, Jim Gove, took us to the local fish monger for two exquisite salmon fillets. Our adventure then took us to a local fire wood supplier and we choose several Aspen logs, a good hard wood with long burning capabilities.
Now back at the fire pit waiting for low tide, we wove the willow spears through the salmon top to bottom and then took smaller sticks and wove them side to side into the salmon to open the fillets to expose them to the fire. When the flames had dimmed to glowing embers, we cantilevered the fillets about 12 inches over the fire and waited. The roasting process is a slow and patience is required. Luckily, in the woods we happened upon a digital thermometer so that we didn’t under or over cook the feast.
As the sun was going down these two Galley Guys were nervously watching the tide creeping in toward us as we listening to the fish oils drip and sizzle on the embers. Miraculously, a keg of rum washed up on the beach to provide sustenance for the challenging task at hand. Or, maybe it was one of the dinner guests being sympathetic to our beach vigil. Or maybe it was a token gift from one of the inquisitive spectators of “the locals” strolling down the beach toward their Broil King BBQs. Anyway, with cocktail in hand we braved it out.
The roasted salmon entrée was served with fresh herbs along with crisp greens and wild rice. The effort in preparing and cooking “Galley Guys Beach Salmon” was more fun than using a conventional cooking method and it was delicious with the natural smoke flavour. The Galley Guys became a talking point throughout dinner and for several days thereafter.
If you are ever stranded on an island with only a knife and a match you can always Google, “cooking salmon on an open fire”. There are plenty of articles to read as the First Nations People have been perfecting cooking salmon this way for a century or three.
So whether is it is space age induction cooking or a primitive alternative, eating well, laughing out loud and enjoying good friends makes boating the best!
The Galley Guys.
For more information on the SiLKEN*2 induction cooktop from Kenyon International, visit, and check out the video below.
Photo Captions:
Photo 1 – Galley Guys Beach Salmon.
Photo 2 – What would the Galley Guys do if they only had a knife and a match?
Photo 3 – Galley Guy Greg Nicoll and honorary Galley Guy, Jim Gove with their Beach Salmon.
Photo 4 – The SiLken *2 stove top.