New Youngstown Regatta?
By Don Finkle, YYC
We thank John Morris and our friends over at Canadian Yachting magazine who wrote a most complimentary article on the Youngstown Level Regatta in their October issue. We rated the inside back page no less. It is still somewhat hard for us to believe that after 40 years the Level is no more, but we have plans underway for the next regatta to take its place on the same weekend, July 26-27, 2014. We apologize for not being able to formally announce the details yet because we know many of you want to make plans and are anxious to know if your boat will be among the invited classes. Youngstown Yacht Club is both small in membership but very active in sailing, which means those of us who do the work of organizing are also off sailing a lot. Now that our 2013 campaigns are behind us we can sit down, wrap up the details and go public so you can all plan your own 2014 schedule. So stay tuned.