CanAm Lite: same regatta, less fee

July 25, 2019
Introducing the CanAm Lite: In place of the normal CanAm, the Youngstown Yacht Club is hosting a smaller version called the “CanAm Lite.”
Same weekend, July 26-28. It will be two days of racing – windward-leeward course racing both Saturday and Sunday.
YYC request that you notice it has significantly reduced the entry fee. Race Committee is Richard Hinterhoeller and team from NOTL so it will be some great racing! NOR and SI’s to be published soon.
Open to all boats: One design, PHRF Spinnaker and PHRF Main & Jib.
We really want to keep the tradition of great racing in Youngstown the last weekend in July alive.
For full information, and to register and pay online head to the new Yachtscoring page.