Destination Guysborough

June 15, 2016
Too often bypassed by yachts heading to and from Cape Breton, the town of Guysborough has,in the last few years,been transforming itself into a destination of note. The harbour is as excellent as it has always been, but now there is much more to attract visiting yachts. The town marina located in the heart of the village has guest slips available for the modest daily rate of $25, with fuel, water, and electricity. The marina also has my favorite shoreside attraction,a waterfront pub. The Rare Bird Pub, was named by Where Magazine “one of Canada’s 10 best great craft beer destinations”. The Rare Bird is just part of a renaissance that has been taking place in the town. More recently a distillery has opened making both rum (a Nova Scotia tradition) and whisky. If caffeine is required the Full Steam Coffee Company roasts fair trade coffee next door. Groceries are available within walking distance and a local will probably give you a lift home with your bags.
Guysborough harbour at the head of Chedabucto Bay is easy to entre but you should have the latest chart (CL 4335) which has the information from the 2001 survey.