BVI Fundraiser update

Jan 11, 2018
In our October 12 issue we reported on a BVI fundraiser event in Oakville ON.
Here is an update on the state of things in BVI and what the proceeds of the fundraiser accomplished from organizer Pat Festing-Smith:
We concluded our Santa expedition by giving out an entire container of goods to people in need. Here is the News update.
On Dec 8 we received and unloaded a 40’ container filled to the brim with furniture and goods for our BVI friends
Following our successful fundraiser, Dave, Patrick, Boomer and Paul, while on a private visit to the island in Oct, surveyed the horrendous damages. With the assistance of staff in Nanny Cay assembled a wish list of needed goods for approximately 22 families in the community.
With the help of LEON’s furniture we were able to secure about 95% of the requested items and LEON’s shipping Company Schenker of Canada graciously provided us a 40’ container as well as FREE shipping to BVI! In addition to this – we were able to provide delivery before the local deadline of Dec 31 to also secure free duties at BVI Customs. A win-win situation for all involved. The lesser the costs, the more we could provide. And we were able to provide big! A container filled to the brim with mattresses, fridges, beds, couches, microwaves, stoves and furniture of all sorts that were lost to nature by the devastating winds and water of IRMA.
In the end, we were able to convert your $55k, with discounts, free shipping and no duties, into about $100k of local value goods! A big THANK YOU to all, not only in Oakville but also from Vancouver to Red Deer to Newfoundland who contributed so generously.
Thank you from ALL of your committee team and Nanny Cay BVI …