Bluewater Cruising Upcoming Weather Forecasting Seminars
June 5, 2016
Offshore Weather Forecasting with Scott Crawshaw, July 9-10 (9:00-4:30), SNSYC, Sidney BC
Forecasting and withstanding weather conditions are major aspects of cruising under sail and power, whether riding it out offshore, seeking safety in a protected anchorage, or avoiding being too close to a lee shore. This two day workshop begins with the fundamentals of weather (see Basic Weather Forecasting) and shows how weather satellites and technology have transformed forecasting to show cruisers the best way to combine their own observations with technology. The Bluewater Cruising Association is pleased to announce that renowned mariner and instructor, Scott Crawshaw, will again be teaching this highly regarded course. Details and registration information can be found here.
Basic Weather Forecasting with Scott Crawshaw, July 9 (9am-12Noon), SNSYC, Sidney BC
An understanding of basic weather is an important attribute of seamanship. This 1/2 day workshop will introduce cruisers to the fundamentals of weather, enable them to combine weather forecasts (VHF) with personal observation, and relate it to their immediate situation. Participants will learn relevant information that will build their confidence and help ensure their enjoyment and safety at sea in both foul and fair weather. Details and registration information can be found here.