POTW: Little Eddie readies for launch

Photo of the Week fans have demanded (politely, of course) more of Little Eddie so here is the next photo in our series – Little Eddie preparing to compound and wax his next boat.
June 21, 2023
Photo of the Week fans have demanded (politely, of course) more of Little Eddie so here is the next photo in our series – Little Eddie preparing to compound and wax his next boat.
As followers of POTW know, you can’t go wrong with kids or pets, Little Eddie is ready for primetime and enjoys doing his boating thing for us whenever mom cracks the camera out. A fine lad, indeed.
Meanwhile, we invite your photos Simply send the shots along to cyonboard@kerrwil.com and put POTW in the subject line. Tough to top Little Eddie’s impressive work, but we know you’ll try.