Updates to the CPS-ECP National Office Phone System
Jan 10, 2016
In order to better serve our members, volunteers and students, the phone system at the National Offices of CPS-ECP will undergo some programming updates over the next two months. These programming changes are intended to make the entire system more efficient, effective and most importantly easier to use.
Some of the updates will not be noticeable to those who call the National Office. However, other changes will affect usage of the phone system. We are working to streamline the number of options available to choose from, to direct calls much more effectively to National Office staff and to eliminate unnecessary and costly features.
Effective immediately the toll free number of 1-888-277-2628 is being eliminated for use by local callers in the Greater Toronto Area. Those in the Greater Toronto local calling area will only be able to use the main local phone number to call the National Office. That number is (416) 293-2438. The toll free number of 1-888-277-2628 is still available for use by all other callers across Canada.
We ask for your patience during the time we implement these programing changes. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at your convenience by email at wkowalchuk@cps-ecp.ca.
Walter Kowalchuk
National Executive Director